T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
DENİZLİ / PAMUKKALE - Deliktaş İlkokulu

Home Learning Network

Proje hakkında

At a time when technology has taken over our lives a lot, we include activities that support children's domestic activities and offer the opportunity to recognize and introduce different cultural elements between cities and countries.


Especially helping children to be awore of their own culture and have the abilty to compare it with different cultures.
Developing language skills of students.
Recognizing other cultures and expanding horizons.
Writing a city story based on collaboration.
To have more information about daily life forms of different countries and cultures.


-Contacting in formation twinspace registration
-School markkng on map.
- students-teacher introductions
- crretion of project promotion poster.
-opening the project web page
-e adding security data
- logo competition
- local food cooking
- snowman event.
-Learning a tradional game
- my mom and I are planting flowers.
-Local Turkish song event
- introducing the ctiy legend event .
- recognize how cultural activities contest.
- On April 23 the children of the world get trogether.
-publication of the project on the school pages.
- Ending of the project with a book called " The Book of the Voice of the Culture"


- participants of all project paitner classes have the opportunity to see their daily lives from different pecs pectives.
- have the ability to compare different cultures.
- they enjoy spending quality time inceu.
- analyze similarities between kulters differences in CE
- students become awore of their own culture.
- they diacover what an individual can learn from on individual outside the virtual environment.
Strengthen communication between people.
- the create healthy learning conditions.

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Yayın: 21.01.2021 - Güncelleme: 21.02.2024 11:59 - Görüntülenme: 244
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