T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
DENİZLİ / PAMUKKALE - Deliktaş İlkokulu


Proje hakkında

In the end of this project the students will realize both their own and their friends' interests and abilities. To group them with their peers and evaluating their various skills according to their intelligence types such as numerical, verbal, rhythmic, physical, visual would help them to discover themselves. As a result, they would be both happy and successfull in this life.


1) to find out what type of intelligence that students have
2) to find out the interests and abilities of the students
3) to use technology effectively
4) to raise them according to the 2023 Education Vision
5) to improve their hand skills
6) to respect different types of abilities
7) to improve their creative thinking
8) to take responsibility
9) to take fast and accurate decisions
10) to improve the academic performance


January*-project information meeting-registration of the students
-survey in order to get to know the students and the teachers
-information partners -facebook- whatsapp group- blogger and websıte
-dıstrubition of task-school and country introductions-student introductions
February*-preparation of project logo and posters-poems about love-paintings about winter-evaluation and the selection of the best Works- safer internet day
March*-creating new designs from waste materials, the selection of the best
-Common slogan study on measures taken against pandemic-webinar- checking and organizing work
April*-singing a song all together- our common song-creating team- cross-team puzzle game ' Happy Children's Day'-use of web 2.0 tools- writing and sounding project acrostic
May*-teaching and playing mind game -tournament between teams- showcase your talents in the online classroom-self-experimenting with online games-suggestions for writing story-voting character
June*survey,meetıng,output etc


In the end of the project the students will realize their friends' and their own abilities and interests. Therefore, they will improve themselves according to the results. Teachers also will get to know their students' in a very close perspective, thus a conscious education environment will emerge. As a result, their academic performances. Creative thinking, fast and accurate thinking, collaboration, taking responsibility, improving hand skills, using technology effectively are the skills we expect to improve throughout the project

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Yayın: 10.12.2020 - Güncelleme: 21.02.2024 12:02 - Görüntülenme: 262
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